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Flash Newsletter
January 2014


FAR began the new year with a great program on fraud, "You Are A Victim of Fraud - Now What?", focusing on what an organization that has uncovered, or suspects, fraudulent activity should do, from the initial discovery to initiating an investigation and pursuing legal remedies and recovery.

FAR members and guests shared food and conversation with each other before the program.

Leslie Kirsch, CFE,
Manager, Raffa, P.C.
Leslie introduced the speakers and moderated questions at the end of the presentation.

Larry Hoffman, CPA/CFF, CFE, CVA,
Senior Partner, Raffa P.C.
Larry shared information on how to proceed if you suspect fraud within your organization.

David Mills
Partner, Cooley LLP
David gave the legal perspective if you suspect and/or confirm fraud within your organization.

Sue Mairena, CPA, CGMA
COO, American Association of Homecare
Sue shared her first-hand experience as a victim of fraud.

Takeaways from Sue:
1. Purchase employee theft insurance.
2. Have A/P receive invoices, not the individual who orders the item(s).
3. Conduct physical inventory before paying for items.

February 19, 2014

Do you consider technology a necessary evil in your organization or is it a strategic enabler?  In order for your organization to be responsive and innovative, its leaders must understand the importance of technology in supporting not only its internal business operations, but also its effectiveness as an invaluable resource to your constituents.  Dave Coriale, of DelCor Technology Solutions will introduce us to the concept of the maturity model and then moderate a panel discussion demonstrating how the model applies to member organizations. The program will conclude with a time for questions and answers from the audience.

Learning Objectives:
  • become familiar with the concept of the maturity model in IT assessment
  • identify criteria for determining the effectiveness of IT operations in the achievement of organizational mission, goals and objectives
  • leave w/ the tools to be able to research and develop a framework for conducting an IT evaluation
  • assess the cost and benefits of building an IT structure through the case experiences of other not profit organizations


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Reston, VA  20190




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