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FAR May Flash Newsletter
FAR May Luncheon
"Exploring the Mysteries of Merchant Processing"

FAR members rely on credit card processing for timely receipt of revenue including but not limited to membership fees, conference registration and donations. While the speed of transactions is critical to an organization's cash flow, the costs and liabilities of merchant processing increasingly require greater research and review. Pam Furneaux, Chief Operating Officer of the Electronic Transactions Association, moderated presentations by Todd Metheny of the Sage Product Management Team, Sage North America; Randy Tillum, President of Clarus Merchant Services and Amy Zirkle, Director of Industry Affairs at ETA. 

Todd framed the issue and opened the discussion on payment card industry (pci) security compliance and costs and continued with a discussion of chip cards, tokenization and encryption. Randy took Todd's lead by following up on criteria for choosing a managed service provider (msp) while Amy Zirkle brought the program to a close by summarizing the perspective and scope of the Electronic Transactions Association. Emphasizing security as the over-riding issue facing FAR members, Amy tied together the issues and options presented by Todd and Randy. 

Panelists accepted questions from the audience throughout their presentations and made themselves available afterwards to address specific issues brought by FAR members to this topic. Each of the speakers offered visuals to demonstrate and detail their remarks. These are available to FAR members in the program archives (click here).
FAR May Luncheon...
Susan Medick, FAR Chair, introduces the panel at FAR May Luncheon"Exploring the Mysteries of Merchant Processing"
(Panel L to R: Todd Metheny, Randy Tillim, Amy Zirkle, Pam Furneaux)

Bill Grubb (right), FAR Secretary, with Virgie Youssef (left) and Donna Morris (middle) catching up before the luncheon.

FAR Nonprofit Members Leila Green (left) and Michelle Rhodes Brown (right)

FAR members enjoying the May luncheon at Capital Hilton
(L to R: Katia McKennon, Lori Oney, Ganon Rich, Kyle Ange, Becky Boland) 
FAR Nonprofit Member Breakfast

Wage Theft Act
Host: Johnson Lambert

Date: May 26, 2016
Location: AHRI 2111 Wilson Blvd | Arlington, VA | 22201
Time: 8:30 - 9:30 am
Light breakfast refreshments will be served.

  Finance & Administration Roundtable | hq@far-roundtable.org
703.971.1116 |http://far-roundtable.org/
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Finance & Administration Roundtable, 1325 G Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005
Sent by hq@far-roundtable.org in collaboration with
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11709 Bowman Green Drive

Reston, VA  20190




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