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FAR February Luncheon Recap

FAR February Luncheon
"Mitigating Risk in Your HR Department: Strategies to avoid lawsuits and keep you out of the news" 

Julia Judish

Is it okay for employees to share salary information with each other? What's the reasonable amount of time to define job abandonment? What's the best way to stay on top of state employment law changes? What's an association's risk based on staff use of personal social media? 

Julia Judish (Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw, Pittman, LLP) included answers to these questions and others in her presentation on HR Risk Management on February 22. Addressing a full house of FAR members, first time attendees and guests, Ms. Judish began her presentation by outlining the four building blocks of HR Risk Management: Culture & Compliance, Due Diligence, Controlling Legal Expenses and Alternative Dispute Resolution. A discussion of the best practices for each of these followed. Examples of these practices included the needs for clear and current job descriptions, a clearly spelled-out performance evaluation system, compensation equity, contingent offer letters, background checks, cybersecurity training, separation agreements and mediation/arbitration used in dispute resolution. 

With real life examples Ms. Judish elaborated on each of these and more.  FAR members can click here for a complete summary of her information and strategies. 
FAR February Luncheon Highlights

FAR Board Members Leila Green, RTCA (left) & Mindy Saffer, Cresa (center) with Nina Schwartz, Aerospace Industries Association

FAR Secretary, Pam Furneaux, Electronic Transactions Association (center) with Caroline Espree, NOWCC (left) & Lucille Clay, National Park Foundation (right)

Nancy Zimini, ACI-NA (left), Mindy Saffer, Cresa (FAR Chair) & Praneet Mathur, ACI-NA

Members and guests enjoying networking during the February Luncheon
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