FAR May Luncheon
"Location! Location! Location! Time to Move or Time to Stay?"
(L to R: Dave Keen, Rick Klein, Ana Molina, Joe DeSalvio)
One of the more daunting undertakings for a CFO is the decision and execution of the plan to manage an organization's space. The length of most lease agreements are such that these executives don't have to do this often and, when they do, learn that the new environment has changed dramatically from the last lease signing. On May 17, Ana Molina (Entertainment Software Association), Rick Klein (formerly of National Association of Manufacturers) and Joe DeSalvio (Association of Financial Professionals) shared their recent experiences in transitioning their organizations from one setting to another, be it to a re-location or a renovation. David Keen (American Psychiatric Association) moderated the session, leading the panel and the audience through the triggers and timeline of a move with its impact on staff, members and outcomes. Through the panel's experiences, the audience was able to envision an 8-10 year perspective that included the matching of mission and message to new space and the commitment to foster a culture of energy through the countless decisions that were made, including the use of open space, natural light, furnishings, and collaboration areas that support the work style of younger staff; the use of the cloud for document storage and the reduction of paper storage; and the opportunity to reallocate savings to other projects. Engaging a "project manager" full-time was critical to the success (and sanity) of the CFO for all three panelists, be it an outside 3rd party or an assigned staff member. Asked how she got the staff to go along with the changes, Ana Molina emphasized that, "everything got better for the staff as a result of the move." Dave Keen closed the session with thanks to the panel members and a reference to FAR's Resource Members in the real estate arena.