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FAR June Luncheon
"Networking: An Effective Tool for Success" 

Tim Kime, Jr.
On Tuesday, June 20, self-proclaimed "Networking Nerd" Tim Kime proved to FAR members that intentional networking can be learned, can be fun and can be productive. Even attendees that came to the luncheon with a distinct aversion to networking enjoyed the chance to practice Tim's approach and to realize the fun of building new connections faster and better than before. Among Tim's exercises was his outline for writing an elevator speech: one that begins with knowing your target audience and its needs, stating your organization and its scope, key benefits and, finally, stating clearly what separates you from others in your field. After that, the networking practice finds you becoming a reporter, i.e. a listener who engages your new contact with key questions that enriches the connection. Tim's closer was his acronym for cementing the connection - PRESS. An effective follow-up is Personal, Regular, Engaging, offer a Service and is Simple. 

For Tim's slides and the form for his elevator speech, click here.
FAR June Luncheon  Highlights

FAR Chair, Mindy Saffer, welcoming members & guests to the June luncheon.

FAR Board Members Leila Green (L), (RTCA) and Jennifer Brearey, (AdvaMed).

FAR Secretary Pam Furneaux (Electronic Transactions Association) with 
FAR Chair Mindy Saffer (Cresa)

FAR Silver Member Julien Bois (L) (JustinBradley
and FAR Board Member John Roane (AIDS United)

FAR Guests and Attendees (Left to Right): Mia Tripodi (UBS Institutional Consulting) with Erin Douglas (NFL Players Association), and newly-elected FAR board member Xiaowei Zheng (The Community Partnership).

FAR luncheon attendees practice their elevator speeches.
  Finance & Administration Roundtable | hq@far-roundtable.org
703.971.1116 | http://farnetwork.org/
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